Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed NDS Review

Hello Kingdumbheartness here with another review, this time on a Star Wars game...This is it, The shit-stopper, one of the shortest games ever made...even shorter than Super Mario Bros on the NES...this is...
Star Wars Force Unleashed 2-NDS: Review made by Thomas Griffiths/Kingdumbheartness/Arceusavenger
GRAPHICS AND REPLAY VALUE: the graphics are worse than MJ The Experience on NDS, its basically just 2d graphics and not that many cool special effects. The Backgrounds are dull after the first 3 levels and get repetetive. Unlike the other versions of the game This one has no unlockables, so no collectibles so there is no point replaying levels. The Cutscenes are basically drawings, with sound and on the rare occassion a home console like videoclip of Starkiller killing something.
You Think This looks isn't
the graphics of the characters and robots are badly constructed and the only relative replay value in the game is replaying the final to get both endings.
So the graphics and Replay value are rubbish....what about...
THE GAMEPLAY: You use the stylus to slash people with a lightsaber by drawing lines repeatedly on your foes, the problem with this, combined with the force powers is that its incredibly easy to kill anything in the instead they toss loads of them at you at once...which would be alright, if it wasnt for the fact that you could blast them all with force lightning, stunning them for a second, which would give you plenty time to kill lots of fact there are only 9 types of enemy in the game...Stormtrooper, Starkiller clones, Vader, Some giant Monster thing, red coated stormtroopers (i think), a giant robot boss (see screenshot above)some teleporting trooper, Carbonate shooting robot, Rocket firing robot...Each of them easy (Especially vader)
The force powers are accessed using icons in the top right corner of the touch screen, select each on and tap or drag the stylus to use them. There are certain areas in the game which require you using force powers, which would be interesting puzzle moments....if not for the fact that they tell which power to use and where.
The game has a XP system which is pointless because, whenever i level up, i notice no difference in my stats, Health or Force Bars or force powers.
So Yeah, so far there is nothing really redeemable with the game but since its Star Wars it must have a good
STORY: This has to be, the single, most crappiest Star Wars storyline ever, also the fact, this version is even smaller than the Home console versions, which had about 9 levels...
The story begins with Starkiller, who doesn't know if he is a clone or not, so he runs out of Kamino in a fit, killing stormtroopers on the way.He aims to find Juno Eclipse (His Girlfriend) and prove he's still alive, Meanwhile saving Rahm Kota from a Gladiatorial arena, then he goes to Dagobah and meets yoda, who is like "mmm Vision you have...Piss Off" so Starkiller does what Yoda says and finds Juno's starship under attack by Imperials and Boba Fett, who then kidnaps Juno and takes her to Kamino, luring Starkiller to Vader...So Rahm summons a rebel fleet and they all bombard Kamino, which is weak for some reason, he then confronts vader, who you attack a bit, defeat starkiller clones, repeat a couple of times then cutscene of Vader throwing Juno out of a window, then you fight for the final time, when he attacks, dodge and wait till he finishes the attack, then you have to use a certain force power to hurt him, but to actually hurt him, knock him into a lightning tower and he will be electricuted, repeat and eventually he will fall...then you have a choice, for light ending let Vader live, for Dark ending Let him Die...It doesnt matter which you choose because you can just replay the boss fight and get the other ending easily.
Anyway all in all the plot doesn't focus much and goes all over the place so that is why i rate it overall...
Next Review...Sonic Colours Wii

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Michael Jackson The Experience NDS & Wii Review Part 2

Hello and welcome to Part two of the Michael Jackson: The Experience Review.
This time i will review Michael Jackson, The Experience on wii, and my, my is this an odd case, on with the show...
Review: Michael Jackson The Experience-Wii
Graphics: The graphic i have seen here are some of the best i have seen in a dancing game ever, ok the people have a ghost like aura to them so you can't see there face, but thats only because, they had to use a MJ impersonator to do the dance moves because MJ is dead, so they would have to at least try to make the dancer look like MJ. Unlike the Ds Version, there is a difference with every Song's setting and the dance moves in it. For instance, The song Ghost's takes place in a haunted mansion, and half-way through, Michael Jackson spins and turns into a when i first saw this i was amazed, especially with the back up dancers in their ghostly attire...Yes, this game has, unlike the DS version...Back up dancers.Now The Background was nice too, not only did the odd ghost appear on the roof of the inside of the Mansion every now and then, but the fireplace behind MJ and the dancers was flickering wildly as well.This is the full footage of Ghosts, from Michael Jackson The Experience, here for Review purpose only...
Another song that impressed me a lot was Earth song, the setting, like the music video, in a post apocalyptic future, but halfway through the song started showing off the wii's graphics, while MJ is yelling and Dancing (no backup dancers in this song), Thunder cracks in the background while wind a black ash (i think)  flies all over the screen, take a look...
So That was the graphics part of the review, the graphic showed that even a non HD console can have better graphics than some HD ones (cough cough Sonic 2006 Cough cough).
Now onto:

GAMEPLAY: Now the gameplay is basically the same as just dance and just dance 2, you basically use the wii remote and follow the dance steps shown on left or right (Depending on if you are MJ or a backup dancer respectively) when they reach the marker at the top, now there are some problems, like for one, the wii remote isn't the best motion sensing controller in the world, and you could be dancing using your whole body and it would only sense the movement of the arm the wii remote is in, so really you could just stand there moving your hand but well, whats the fun in that eh? also some of the symbols are slightly informative, like when it tells you to do a certain move, sometimes there is more to the move than indicated on the icon. and sometimes there isn't an icon, but that usually only happens when the dance moves are in the pattern and you know what dance move comes next.
Now those flaws aside, its a decent way to dance and, if you can't do a certain move, play other songs to get stars and, unlike the DS version, these stars unlock tutorials to teach you how to do the moves both in-game and in real life instead of pointless memorabillia.
Overall, the gameplay is pretty damn decent, if slightly faulty.
Now onto the final and possibly most important part of a dance game:
Michael Jackson The Experience on Wii has about 27 songs, which is 15 more than the DS version, and of course, they all have a different background and most of the time different clothes and colours on MJ, instead of the blandness of the DS version, also the dancing moments are unique with each song...and of course THIS ONE HAS THRILLER!!! although some of the slow songs get boring easy due to the slow dance moves and easy difficulty, so anyway yeah the music is perfectly synced in with the dance moves unlike....The DS version...and you may think i am slandering the DS, but as you can see Ubisoft are clearly putting more effort in the home console games instead of the Handheld games...even the Psp has the same graphics as the DS version, although, the PSP version does have THRILLER!!! unlike....the DS version.
So Overall The Graphics are some of the best on wii, the gameplay is excellent, if slightly bad, due to the consoles disabilities, but the soundtrack, due to the fact that its Michael Jackson, although the often slow songs get kind of boring.
So Overall, i Rate Michael Jackson The Experience:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Michael Jackson The Experience NDS & Wii Review Part 1

Michael Jackson was a famous musical icon who sadly passed away on june 25 2009, but around the time of his death, a rumour went around saying that Michael Jackson was working with a video game company to make the ultimate dancing experience, and it certainly is impressive....For The Most Part, This Is it, The Michael Jackson, The Experience Review by me, Thomas Griffiths
 First Review: Nds Version
Now first i will talk about the graphics, which are sort of nice for a ds game, the problem i noticed was that throughout the whole game he just keeps doing the same dance moves, although on certain songs (only the key songs apparently) he does moves that ACTUALLY featured in a performance/music video...the cartoon Michael is sort of nice but there is really no difference in the model of the character other than the odd clothes change now and then.
Now, on to the gameplay, there is pretty much nothing i can say other than....Elite Beat Agents Rip-off, but it is still enjoyable and the tap icons appear in time with the music, which is nice...but, the dancing is basically him doing the same moves repeatedly, changing every now and then (Moonwalk Rarely Seen)
Footage From Billie Jean
Sometimes there are neat segments where you have to rotate the stylus on the touch screen really fast till the lights at the bottom of the touch screen light up, while this is going on Michael is spinning and if you light up all of the lights Michael does that tippy-toe thing he does (see above image.) Overall the gameplay and graphics are average, the graphics need a bit more work on them, and i would of liked to see some originality in the gameplay.
Also, you get a certain number of stars at the end of the level depending on how you did, you can also get a crown as well if you did exceedingly well...the reason you need stars? To unlock more songs and unlock some cartoon versions of MJ Memmorabilia which is pointless, Also there is no multiplayer fact there is only one mode, Tour, which is basically just doing the song
Now onto the main part of the NDS Review, the Music...Michael Jackson The Experience has a small list of twelve songs, including Beat it, Billie Jean, Bad, Smooth Criminal and Streetwalker (You remember that one right? don't, its on the 2001 re-release of the BAD album as unreleased song...) but of course i am angry because, it misses out one of the best Dance Routines of all time...THRILLER, They left out Thriller!!! perhaps there were so many different dance moves that Ubisoft couldn't get away with the same dance moves over and over again, without someone noticing...
So Overall, The Game copies Elite Beat Agents unique gameplay (Like all other Dance Games for DS) The Music was great if a small setlist, of only 12 songs, sadly they left out some key songs that make the Wii version more unique, and finally, The Graphics are too repetetive, So the Overall Rating is:

I will Release Part 2 of the MJ Experience Review tomorrow, Stay tuned for the Wii Review, Which will feature in part 2...See You Soon
KingdumbHeartness/ Thomas Griffiths